
Zhehao Li

李喆昊 | Graphics M.S. student
Univeristy of Science of Technology of China

Hi! I am currently a third-year M.S. student at the Graphics & Geometric Computing Lab at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) , advised by Prof. Ligang Liu. I am fortunate to be able to work with Prof. Bo Ren at Nankai University in my sophomore year, and Prof. Tao Du at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS), Tsinghua University from the summer of 2023.

Research Interest:
Currently, I am interested in animation and differentiable simulation for solving inverse design problem.

Past Experiences:
I received my B.E. in CS with honors from USTC in 2021. During my undergraduate years, I was fortunate enough to be advised by Prof. Pedro Lopes at the Human-Computer Integration lab the University of Chicago working on VR haptic rendering and intellectual medical wearable device in 2019 summer. I also did a summer industry internship at the infrastructure department of TikTok, Bytedance working on real-time animation for gaming in 2020.


DiffFR: Differentiable SPH-based Fluid-Rigid Coupling for Rigid Body Control

Zhehao Li, Qingyu Xu, Xiaohan Ye, Bo Ren, Ligang Liu
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2023)

Webpage Paper(15MB) Low-res Paper(2MB) Video Code Publisher
Numerical Coarsening with Neural Shape Functions

Ning Ni, Qingyu Xu, Zhehao Li, Xiao-Ming Fu, Ligang Liu
Computer Graphics Forum, 2023

Webpage Paper

Copyright © 2024 Zhehao Li. Thanks for the template from Shiyang Jia.
Last update: 01/2024